Why we start?

BASIC parenting is a parenting style that is founded on the belief that children are capable of developing well-being and intelligence without overly interference. With our conscious love, we could apply the BASIC principles to do the world’s hardest job – be a parent.

B – Boundaries

Boundaries are set to keep children safe from danger and to determine what is acceptable behavior from them. There needs to be a clear understanding for children as to what they can do as opposed to what they cannot do.

A – Attunement

Attunement means paying attention to the status and needs of your child and yourself at any given moment. Children need a conscious parent who can respond appropriately when necessary, but also provide space when needed. The same rules apply to parents themselves.

A – Attunement

Attunement means paying attention to the status and needs of your child and yourself at any given moment. Children need a conscious parent who can respond appropriately when necessary, but also provide space when needed. The same rules apply to parents themselves.

S – Sample

Sample refers to parents who lead by example.  Parents are the first and the most important teachers for our children. When we show our children how we would like them to behave in a given situation, they can learn from it and apply it in real-life situations. Actions are stronger than words.

I – Involvement

Involvement refers not only to the amount of time you spend with your child but also how you spend it. Quality is over quantity and there is always a way for them to be involved.  Parenting cannot be outsourced to any other person nor technology. There is no substitute for their presence, guidance, support in the lives of their children.

I – Involvement

Involvement refers not only to the amount of time you spend with your child but also how you spend it. Quality is over quantity and there is always a way for them to be involved.  Parenting cannot be outsourced to any other person nor technology. There is no substitute for their presence, guidance, support in the lives of their children.

C -Consistency

Consistency means the need of fostering a consistent environment in our parent-child relationship. Children need consistency in order to feel safe, loved, and secure. This means that parents need to walk the talk and consistently review our nections with our children.

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